

Headboard re-do

On Tuesday night our headboard got a makeover. We recently got new bedding from West Elm, it's the exact same bedding we used to have, just a different color, the new color
Is called Sea Spray. The old material was OK, bit not great so a makeover was in order.

My mom found this material at a local fabric store, text me pictures and that was that. That evening Brendan and I got out our trusty staple gun and went to town. We simply put the new fabric over the old. We are pleased with the outcome.

Now we just need to paint our bedroom. It it currently a lovely beige or latte as Restoration Hardware called it, but far too yellow with our oak trim. We are moving to a lovely gray or Ponder by Sherwin Williams.

And one picture in keeping it real; this is where Ruby lays daily and yep that's her blanket.

She seems really impressed with the headboard makeover don't ya think?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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