
A new look...

I gave my blog a new look today! Some new colors and a new header! It fits my personality a little better and I finally figured out how to put a pic in the title!!! It's B and I on a rooftop at our wedding.
Might I also add the I have two followers, check them out in the sidebar! Feel free to join the group!
Also thank you to M over at Old Fashioned Gal! She gave me a nice matters award! Go check out her blog it's amazing!! She loves all thing antique and has the cutest blog header!! Thanks M, you're the best!! Happy Wednesday and Cheers!


Chris | Team Sea-Squared said...

Love the new look girl!

Happy Hump Day!

kari said...

Love it!

Julie S. said...

Love the new look! How did you get sidebars on both sides of the blog? I have been trying to figure that out to no avail...

Vintage Gal Marialena said...

You deserve it! To one of the nicest internet friends I know! hugs!

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