
Things I am loving in October

I am loving braiding or twisting the front of my hair! My bangs are getting to that middle no fun length and it's so much easier to just twist it or braid it!!

I love love love my long black cardigan from Banana Respublic outlet, it is so versatile and I pair it with jeans, boots, or flats and VIOLA!!! I'm ready to face the chilly fall weather.

I usually pair a colorful scarf with my black cardigan. I've been using my pashminas lately and I have fallen in love!!!

Can't beat a Starbucks skinny mocha...an instant warm up!

flat boots...need I say more! They are perfection!

Lastly, the changing fall colors! They are simply beautiful!

Happy Thursday to you all! Cheers!


kari said...

I'm in love with the BR sweater!

Chris | Team Sea-Squared said...

Oh I will have to second all the stuff you are loving right now. Besides the flat boots - this 5'3 girl only wears heels :P I wish I could rock the flat look, life would be heck of a lot more comfortable.

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