
Uh-oh mommy

I found something really fun to play with!

Uh-oh you caught me...

Why can't I keep doing this? It's so much fun!!!

I think I'll take the toilet paper with me.

Man I'm having a blast mommy, why did it take me so long to find this stuff?

The joys if toddlerhood!

One for the road; my cool dude in his new shades.

Have a great day!!


Megan said...

This is a familiar sight! There must be something about that roll of toilet paper that is just so tempting! We try to remember to keep our bathroom doors shut but once in a while it's ominously quiet and then we hear the "thwack thwack thwack" of the roll spinning and know we're in trouble!

Jessica said...

G does this all the time! We have to keep the bathroom door shut-but of course, we forget alot! :-) Toddlerhood is so much fun!

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