The awesome Chelsie awarded me this award and I am beyond flattered!!
Here are the rules:
01. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
02. Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with "Honest Scrap." Well, there's no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
03. List at least 10 honest things about yourself:
Here goes nothing!!
01. I amd in love with Coke. As in good old Coca-cola. I have one a day...mmmmmm
02. I am compulsive about my clothes. They have to fit perfectly and look just the way I want them to.
03. I look more and more like my older sister as we get older. Not a bad thing in my mind.
04. I have an insane number of collector Barbies. I started collecting them when I was young and most are still in their boxes and worth some dough...although I will never sell them and if B and I never have a daughter my niece Stella will inherit them.
05. I am overly passionate about kids that are less fortunate than I was. I want them to get the best chance at life and can't stand it when they aren't motivated to do so.
06. I treat our dog Ruby like she's a person. I talk to her like she's our daughter and as if she's going to understand me.
07. I am not a big breakfast eater at breakfast. However I love breakfast for lunch and dinner.
08. I am midly addicted to green tea and champagne, if I could drink champagne everyday, I would.
09. I hate fish, the smell, the taste, swimming with them, just dislike everything about them all together.
10. I am terrified that I won't be a good mother. I know I can take care of a child, but in this world it scares me to death that I won't raise my child to be the best they can be.
Now here are the lovely ladies that I am passing this on to!
Leslie, Holly, Sarah, Abbie, Erin, Katie, & Marialena
1 comment:
I can't handle feeling absolutely bloated by eating a big breakfast in the morning, so I completely feel you on eating it at night!
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