
Kate 7 months

Our little peanut Kate turned 7 months old clear back in November. I'm just a wee bit behind on this post, but better late then never. Kate is still a happy little lady and smiles most all the time. We have gotten so many comments on how happy she is, and it's true she really is just a happy baby. We feel very blessed to have this little ray of sunshine in our family.

   Kate is starting make her move towards crawling this month. She gets up on her hands and knees, rocks back and forth then takes a big breath and sits down. Man it's exhausting being 7 months old. She's now a sturdy sitter and every item that she comes in contact with immediately goes into her mouth. Kate still doesn't have any teeth, but if I had to guess I'd say that her first tooth is right around the corner because she has been a drool monster lately. A cute drool monster, but she seems uncomfortable and I hate that for her.

    On the sleep front, Kate wakes up 1-2 times a night. She goes to bed around 6:45/7pm and gets up for the day around 6:30am. Her night feedings range from 11:30pm to 3:30am and each feeding she eats 5-6oz of formula. She is still napping twice daily with a shorter nap in the morning at around 60-90 minutes and a longer nap in the afternoon around 2-2.5 hours.

   This month Kate had her first big holiday, Thanksgiving. We traveled to my sister in law's house in Minneapolis and had a great time. Both of the kiddos did great and had so much fun with their cousins. Kate was spoiled by all of her relatives and got to meet a few of her great aunties for the first time. I don't think her bum hit the ground the entire weekend, someone was always snuggling her.  We also had Kate dedicated at church this month and the actual dedication was flawless and beautiful.  Trying to get a family picture before hand was laughable.  Seriously, these are a few of the BEST ones we got.

Drew was not into the pictures, He kept grabbing my hair and necklace between takes. Kate is looking at all of her cousins that are to our right and my hair is looking like a hot mess.  Brendan looks pretty darn handsome.  Oh well, this is life right now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

     Eating wise Kate is taking a liking to some actual solid foods as opposed to pureed baby food. She is a huge fan of bananas and will eat them at every meal if we'd let her. We also gave her avocado this month and it's been a hit or miss food. The first time I gave her avocado she looked at me like I had a third eye. Hey, I don't blame her, I'm not a huge fan of the mushy, weird textured food.

   These monthly photos are getting harder and harder to take. First of all, she loves the stickers that I put on her onesie. Second, Kate does not want to sit still. She takes one look at my camera and lunges for it. At least we'll look back remember we captured real life. I know I always say this, but I have no idea where 7 months has gone.  Kate is still such a peanut at only 14lbs.  It doesn't seem possible that in 5 short months she'll turn 1.  She is such a blessing, and miracle. 


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