
Pathology Results

Yesterday B and I went to meet with our doctor to get the pathology results from my D&C. She said the results showed that I miscarried as a result of genetic material upon conception, which is a fancy shmancy term for a chromasomal abnormality. B and I were thankful that we got these results just to put our mind at ease. Everyone can tell you that it's nothing you did or could have done but ultimately you automatically blame yourself, and we did. Now we know and specifically asked her could we have done anything differently, or did we do anything wrong. She said absolutely not, there is nothing you could have done to prevent this.
We then asked her a whole slew of questions from when can we try to concieve again to what do we do differently next time. She was amazing and sat there and calmed our fears as we are both terrified and don't want to go through this again, but know that there is a bigger plan in life and God has a special plan just for B and myself. We know we now have a very special little angel in heaven that one day we will get to meet. We really feel at peace with the situation and feel like we got the answers that we needed to make that happen. Our family has been absolutely amazing through this whole process. I have to share a few stories about them to show how greatful we really are.
-First, my older sister rearranged her entire schedule to be with me both Wed. and Thursday, drove me 45 minutes to pick up B at the airport, then sat with B when I was in surgery until my momma arrived. She and her hubby then sent a bottle of wine, beer, magazines, books and a outfit out to the lake with us to entertain us and make me look stylish. Might I add that she has a 5 year old, 3 year old and a new born at her house.
-Second, my mom was supposed to fly out and see my little sis in NY the weekend I had this all happen. She got to Detroit, found out I was having my D&C, and started to break down. My stepdad went and arranged for her to turn around on the same flight back to Iowa. She was at the hospital when I woke up. She then cooked us dinner for the night we were at the lake and sent movies with us, oh and offered up her lake house for our getaway!
I am so blessed to have these two women in my life, let alone so many other family and friends that love B and I dearly, we are truly blessed. Moving on from here I am going back to my normal blogging of fashion, home and randomness. We will never forget our first baby, but we look forward to our dream of having a family a reality.
Thank you to all my readers who have given us kind words, thoughts and prayers, you will never know how much they mean to us! God bless you all!


Meredith said...

I'm so glad that you were able to receive some answers from the doctor this morning!

You guys are still in my prayers!

Courtney said...

So glad you guys got some answers. I'm sure God has amazing things planned for your future & that your story will help a lot of other people who go through the same thing.

Mrs. McB said...

Glad to hear the doctor spent so much time with you. That is wonderful!

Also, glad you have wonderful women in your life!!! :)

You are so right! God does have amazing plans for you! :)

Alesha said...

I thank God that you and B are at peace with things and do not doubt that you will have the family you dream of one day!

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