

As we welcomed 2014 in on a quiet night at home with just our little family, I started to think about what I wanted to do differently this year.  Thoughts started pouring into my head about first milestones we went through this year and ones we'll meet next year.  What I really want to do is relish this time when the kids are this age.  

I find myself fixated by schedules, lists and bed time routines.  This year I want to relish this time when m kids are so enamoured with their surroundings and simply amazed by every little thing. When they love to snuggle just a minute longer or one more book read.  Far too often I find myself in too much of a rush and this year I want to be intentional in an attempt to slow down and relish the little things.  Soak up those moments when both kids are on my lap and don't want to get up or singing me the most adorable song.  

I need to be better at remembering that these years will quickly pass and one day I will look back and wonder where the time went.  Some days when I'm about ready to pull my hair out it's hard to relish the time I have,  but in every dark hallway there is a light. My children always have a way of making me smile no matter how frustrated or angry I am.  They have the ability to turn a bad day into a good one in a single moment.  It's those sweet and tender moments that I will remember in 5, 10 and 15 years. I need to relish those moments more often and be mindful of how blessed I am to have these years with them.  

Cheers to 2014 and relishing the sweet and tender moments. 

1 comment:

kari said...

That's a good word. I like it.

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