

27 weeks

Hello third trimester! This past weekend I hit 27 weeks, which enters me into the third trimester.

No huge changes this week, I'm feeling pretty good, and can now feel parts of Peanut move. Peanut now weighs close to two pounds if not over that. I was supposed to go in for my 1 hour glucose test today actually but Drew is home sick with a nasty cold and fever so I've rescheduled for next week.

We are still trucking along on the nursery and Drew's big boy room. I found some great wall decor on Etsy for the nursery.

You can find it here

I am loving gray and yellow together these days! Now I just need wall hanging for Drew's room and one for over the crib. So much to do and so little time!
Have a great weekend!

Dress: Banana Republic
Scarf: H&M
Tights: Target
Boots: Steve Madden

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I know I'm bias

But how stinking cute is he?

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26 weeks

This past Saturday I actually hit 27 weeks, hello third trimester! Where have these weeks gone? I'm seriously in awe that I'm rounding 3rd base and on the home stretch.

Everything is going well, my heart is staying in check and has been on its best behavior. I'm starting to feel like I'm moving a little slower than normal, but that's to be expected.

Drew is now starting to understand what's going on, well maybe. I'll point to my belly and ask "Drew what's in here"? He'll say "baby". He also got a little boy baby for Christmas and he's a whizz at walking the baby and stroller around, well that is until an unforeseen wall jumps out at him.

Other than that, not much going
on around these parts in regards to pregnancy and Peanut.

In the Drew front lately he's developed quite the hilarious personality. Whenever he's in his chair he sits in to eat, he puts his arms on the back of the chair and just talks like he's chatting about the days events. It's his suave demeanor.

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Headboard re-do

On Tuesday night our headboard got a makeover. We recently got new bedding from West Elm, it's the exact same bedding we used to have, just a different color, the new color
Is called Sea Spray. The old material was OK, bit not great so a makeover was in order.

My mom found this material at a local fabric store, text me pictures and that was that. That evening Brendan and I got out our trusty staple gun and went to town. We simply put the new fabric over the old. We are pleased with the outcome.

Now we just need to paint our bedroom. It it currently a lovely beige or latte as Restoration Hardware called it, but far too yellow with our oak trim. We are moving to a lovely gray or Ponder by Sherwin Williams.

And one picture in keeping it real; this is where Ruby lays daily and yep that's her blanket.

She seems really impressed with the headboard makeover don't ya think?

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24/25 weeks

I thought I would smash these two weeks together because I'm way behind on my weekly updates and there's honestly not much to update. Over Christmas I surpassed viability day which is an awesome feeling, but knowing the risks of pre-term birth obviously we want Peanut to stay cooking. Peanut's hands and legs are starting to grow to birth weight these two weeks and I have to say I can tell, this child may very well come out ready to hit the soccer field, Peanut has one mean kick.
These past few weeks I feel like I'm starting to slow down a bit, it takes me a little longer to get up from a sitting position and my sleep is more disrupted because I'm uncomfortable. I did expect all of this, just forgot what it really feels like. I also feel like my face, hands and feet have started to swell. This makes me a little nervous as this was the first sign of my heart issues when I was pregnant with Drew. If it gets worse I'll be visiting my cardiologist in a quick minute.

We are also starting to move Drew's room to our guest room, which means we are starting to think about the nursery. I found this beautiful bumper on Etsy, but was not digging the price so my mom is making me one. We went shopping last week and found some material that I think will be awesome! I'm going with gray, white and yellow for the nursery this time around. Drew's nursery was very neutral, I loved it but just wanted a bit of change this time around.

As far as Drew's room, we've decided on a gray color, medium gray is how I would describe it.  Then we'll be doing this plaid bedding I ordered from Amazon with red accents.  We've painted his twin bed black and his dresser is black as well, surprise, surprise more black furniture in our house. 

In other DIY news, our dry wall for the basement is being delivered today.  We're getting closer! I hope everyone had a great weekend.


Hide your daughters

Because Mr. Cool has entered the building...

What up ladies?

You're diggin the shades, aren't ya?

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Texting across the pond

My little sister Karin and her fiance Nick moved to London in September of 2011. They moved for grad school and Nick's job and will be there for 2 years. I was so excited for them, what an adventure, who wouldn't want to jump the pond for a few years and explore.

When they left we set up Skype accounts to keep in touch, as well as email and Facebook. However, I still felt disconnected and Skyping was tough because we had to set up a time, then with the time difference of 6 hours we had to Skype when we were both free, you get the point.

Karin and Nick were back in Iowa for Christmas and she told about this application for our smart phones that's called What's app.
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same Internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends.

In addition to basic messaging iPhone, Android, Nokia and BlackBerry WhatsApp Messenger users can send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages. (taken from

It has allowed Karin and I to text daily with no extra charges for international texts, we can text when each of of is by our phones, not when we are both available at the same time.  I've been able to send pictures of Drew to her and she even gave me what sounds like a yummy recipe over What's App today.  If you don't have texting, I would highly recommend getting What's app and sending invites to your friends and family.  We love it and it allows me to keep in contact with my little sister as she explores London.


Spaghetti and carrots

Our toddler Drew is one picky eater. He has about 6 foods that he will eat no problem, everything else is a bit of a toss up. Sometimes he'll eat it but most times it's a no go. Drew loves fruit and will eat any piece of fruit no problema. However, set a veggie in front of this child and it's basically a waste of your time. We've literally tried every veggie on this planet and all have been turned down.
Being the sneaky mom that I am I was reading the Deceptively Delicious cookbook to get some ideas as to how to incorporate veggies in this child's diet. Well, although the cookbook is great, most of the food in the book Drew won't touch. I needed to get veggies in his go to foods. That evening we were dining on spaghetti with ground turkey and red sauce. I use whole wheat pasta as well because apparently Drew doesn't mind whole wheat anything, just every veggie. I steamed carrots and blend them in our food processor then added the carrot purée to the red sauce. It was a hit! Brendan tried the sauce first and couldn't taste the carrot, then Drew was up next and devoured his pasta and sauce. Score, he finally ate a veggie. He was unaware but that's beside the point. We are on our way to having this picky eater eat veggies!

What carrots?

Me likey

Now I'm trying to find other purees I can incorporate into his diet. Up next; banana bread with cauliflower.

If any one has any good recipes that incorporate pureed veggies, I'm all ears.

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Moving from 1 to 2

With Peanut's arrival fast approaching my fear of having a second child is starting to creep up in my mind. Of course we planned for this child, we love this baby and I know we will be fine and adjust to life with two kiddos, however my fear of doing the balancing act is very apparent and as each day of my pregnancy moves along the fear doesn't seem to simmer down.

Please do not get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing we want more than to have another child, it's the unknown that scares the living day lights out of me. Will I be able to balance two kids? What if Drew is needing something and baby is needing fed. I know it sounds so silly and it probably is. I truly hope the transition is very smooth, but I fear finding a good balance. I fear that Drew will resent Brendan and I for bringing his sibling into the world. When Peanut arrive Drew will be 25 months old, he won't know that someday his sibling will be his dear friend, he will just realize mommy is now splitting her time between him and the baby.
I've tried to read everything I absolutely can on acclimating Drew with the new baby, and not turning his world upside down, but I can't help but wonder and be a little fearful that he will feel abandoned. That honestly is my worst fear, that my baby will resent me, that thought alone breaks my heart.
I'm reaching out to all those mom's of two or more, or just anyone who has any advice, how did the transition go? How did you make your older child still feel special and not resent your new addition?  I'd appreciate and literature, or personal experience you've had.  Give me anything you've got!


A look back

2011 was a great year for all of us, so I thought we'd take a look back.

In January Drew melted my heart by watching his daddy leave for work each day. He also started walking, and went directly to running in a matter of days.

In February we received the good news that we would be welcoming two miracles into the family.  My older sister who went through infertility treatments was expecting identical twin boys.   Drew also was the proud new owner of an awesome hat from Lindsey's Loops.

In March we celebrated making it through the first year of Drew's life and everyone was still alive!  We held a little shindig for Drew that was all about primary colors.

In April I told you about the kitchen island Brendan built to help the wide open yonder that was our great room.

May brought some beautiful weather and me finding myself two new doctors in preparation for someday trying to have a second baby.

June rolled around and we were preparing to depart to Grand Cayman, and we asked you to Ask US anything.

In July sadly we lost our dear friend and neighbor to a motorcycle accident, I was the recipient of a stranger so kind paying it forward and challenged you to pay it forward and we answered your burning questions and we went on vacation!

In August we welcomed Charlie Robert and Max William to the family.  Our nephews were born on August 15th, 2011.  Drew got his first big boy haircut, and looked like a little man instead of a baby.
September brought fall in Iowa and Drew's first plane ride to see his grandparents. Brendan and I also celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss on September 30th.

October we were elated to share our good news that our family would be expanding by 2 feet in April 2012.
November brought our Halloween recap, the end of the first trimester and unseasonably warm temperatures for Iowa.

2011 was full of blessing and happiness for all of us here at Life with B&A.  We are looking forward to many happy times and a year full of new adventures in 2012.  Happy New Year!